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The Proposal: What is eSports?

This is the first draft of an e-mail message I plan on constructing and sending to vital figures within the eSports industry. It is still a work in progress.

I want to be frank, there's a problem with e-sports and it needs to be addressed. This is why I'm asking for your support, critique, and input into a new project that has already begun.

The problem is: there exists an entry barrier into the world of e-sports. Newcomers have a hard time understanding the scene, and looking in from outside the "world" of e-sports can be an ordeal. The competitive gaming scene is not a very well organized. And even though I hate to say it, we’re really self-centered. It’s hard for newcomers to get a grasp on what is going on.

This needs to end. We can provide a solution, a resource where newcomers can gather the basis of knowledge needed to really understand what e-sports is all about. I want to make eSports more approachable and entertaining for newcomers, but mainly I would like a destination to make it simply understandable. Give the basics, define the vocabulary, show off the games, have a few videos, and then link them to the “real world” for further exploration of the scene.

And instead of telling people about the appeal of e-sports, part of our goal is to show what makes e-sports appealing. By showcasing some of the best stories, events, videos, interviews, and more—we can paint a picture of what makes the eSports scene so interesting.

We hope that other e-sports sites integrate the content, as well. We're looking for contributors, partners, and essentially avenues to ensure this is a success. We would release all the content under Creative Commons, so it’d be free and open to all.

Hopefully you’ll join us on our journey to create a simple, effective resource for eSports newcomers.

Matt "Mattc0m" Richards

In other news...
Project Milestones Reached
  • Domain name registered
  • Shared with with initial partners
  • Sent out feelers to my existing network of e-sports industry figures


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